Saturday, July 5, 2008

I just remembered

I just remembered a few things Reese has said over the last week. We were in the car working on about hour 19 of our 25 hour trip and Ryan was screaming for something. I asked Reese to see if she could tell what he wanted or what he was reaching for and she said, "Mom, I am really struggling to watch this t.v. show" I just had to laugh. She couldn't glance away from the screen for 2 seconds to see that Ryan had dropped his blanket and all she had to do was reach down in between the car seats to hand it back to him.
Then she was getting dressed the other day and she was struggling to put some socks on. I asked her if she wouldn't just rather wear her flip flops. She said, "I would prefer to wear my brown shoes." There is nothing that funny in these words unless you are a 4 year old.

We miss you daddy!!


Kristie said...

Hey! How long are you in town for? We are here visiting our families too!!! How funny!