So I went to gather the laundry from Reese's room this morning and I thought to my self, "Why does this laundry smell so bad?" And then it happened. I found the stinky diaper that I lost the other day. It was in Reese's Laundry basket in her room. O.K. I know what you are thinking. How in the world do you loose a stinky diaper? Easy. Let me explain. I was in the middle of taking out the trash, getting Reese ready for school, trying to keep Ryan off the window sill and Changing stinky diapers all at the same time. I changed Ryans diaper and I guess I thought I threw it away and it went out in the trash but what I am guessing really happened was Ryan picked it up and thought it would be fun to carry it around the house like he does with any trash he can get his hands on. Some people have a problem with their kids throwing things away when they are not trash but not me. My kids have the opposite problem. They like to pull things out of the trash. I can't let the trash can get too full or Ryan will pull out what ever he can reach. The other day I found a banana peel and some old ads from the paper on the kitchen floor. But I severely Digress.
I had dumped all the laundry on the floor and started to sort it and I thought why is this laundry sooooo stinky. I know dirty laundry has a pungent aroma any way but it is usually not that bad from a 4 year old girl. Ryan probably walked down the hall and into Reese's room like he loves to do and dropped it on the floor. I am not sure if the culprit who thought the hamper was a trash can was 4 or 1 but I really don't think it matters. What matters now is that all of the poopie diapers are now in the correct receptacles.
In TImes Square
I love the photos! Why do you think I have a wooden trash can with a drop down lid in my kitchen, still! and my kids are 8,11 and 14. I got it when Alex was little because he loved to raid the trash can!
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