Sunday, September 7, 2008


Just realized I haven't posted in a week. Been really busy. School started this week and I feel like HOLY COW!!! How am I supposed to get my daughter up and dressed and fed and out the door and to school on time with every thing she needs. I never could remember my own lunch or homework till, well I just never did. I feel like a failure and we are 2 days into the school year. I feel like I am going to let her down and we haven't even had a full week of school, after all that is me.

Maybe someday I will become a responsible adult and get my life together.

Then again, maybe not.


Libbie said...

you crack me up! a good schedule will start to come and then you will move ;)

Eric and Amy said...

1) You are a responsible adult and 2) your life is together. Thankfully it's just kindergarten! She (and you!) will be A-ok!

LaFish said...

You're a great momma! When are you coming back to Tejas? I am missing my friend!

Libbie said...

if you do not blog soon, we are going to go crazy!! Aunt Libbie

The Fraser's said...

hahahahaha - you're just as bad at posting as us! Just kidding - hope things are well - are you back in Gods Country or God's Old Country (upstate NY - it was his country back in the day - Texas took over...)