Monday, August 4, 2008


Yes I know I am a slacker and my mom is probably wondering if I fell off the face of the earth or not but there really hasn't been too much to report on lately. But I do have a couple of funny stories from the last few days.

Today we were down in the play room and Ryan was playing happily, I was sitting reading my book and Reese was about 5 feet away playing by herself. Ryan leaned over to grab something off the floor and he farted really loud. I looked up from my book and asked him, "Ryan, what was that?" He looked around and found his sister and said, "Weese" and went back to playing. He is definitely Golden's child.

The other day Reese said she couldn't fall asleep in her bad and so she came and asked me if she could sleep on the floor. I said sure because I thought she would fall asleep somewhere in her room and then I would go in later and put her in bed. She came to me later and said, "I need a blanket." I told her to go into the hall closet and on the bottom shelf there are some blankets. This is what I found later.

That is Reese asleep in the middle of the hallway (you can see her bedroom at the end of the hall) and she is using a beach towel as a blanket. Yes the towels are kept in the same hall closet as the extra blankets.

Oh and this picture was definitely not taken in Texas. When we walked out of Wal-mart the other day (Is any one else there as much as I am?) this is what the kids did because they were cold. Yea, definitely NOT TEXAS!!!

And here are a couple of pictures of the kids riding a couple of the free carousels around town here. We had a great week with aunt Jessica and William.

And last but not least Happy Birthday to my baby boy!! I can't believe you have lived this long!!(No don't call CPS on me it is just a joke...Jessica knows what I am talking about:)

Ain't he cute? I'll tell you about the face later.


shahna said...

I am so gald I ound your blog and can keep up with your ADORABLE family. We miss your mom and dad so much! We think of them all the time. Your kids have Mabray genes in them - I see so much o a resemblance with you and your sibs. SOOO cute. I know you are just an amazing mom - how could you not be with the one you were raised by? We miss you guys!

Kristie said...

Cute pictures!! Happy Birthday to Ryan! And yes, I do go to Wal-mart that often too. :)

Libbie said...

OMG I was out of town and his birthday is over now!!! What a terrible Aunt!


Eric and Amy said...

So cute! I love that Reese fell asleep in the hallway. 4 year olds do the darndest things! Thank goodness they keep us laughing!

Ryan is so cute! And I love the farting story. Austin claims all his! If he silently lets one loose...public or not...he loudly announces to the world "Stinky Fart." Great! Same things for burps too. Boys will be boys!