Friday, May 23, 2008

TAG, again

O.K. Natasha, Here goes.

-What were you doing 10 years ago?
I was getting ready to get married. I was finishing as much school as I could and surviving on pasta and late night kisses.
-Five things on my To Do list today?
For tomorrow:
1. Shower (we played outside all day today and I am starting to smell like it)
2. Do some laundry
3. Do another load of dishes. We had people over and a lot of food today (Memorial Day) The dish washer is going now and went this morning as well. It will be going first thing in the morning too.
4. Get Reese to school on time.
5. Spend less time on the computer and more time with my kids.
-Five of my favorite snacks?
This changes all the time since I love just about anything sweet or anything salty. Oh who am I kidding, I just love food. It is my favorite sport, eating.
One thing I love now is girl scout cookies (until they are gone) and yogurt covered cranberries. I also like to eat left over candy (Halloween or whatever the last holiday was) Like I said, I just love to eat.
-What would I do if I suddenly became a billionaire?
Hire someone to do my laundry and dishes. (How lame is that?)
I would by a dream house and SAVE SAVE SAVE. Make my husband quit work so we could spend more time together. I would not buy a coat for $17,500.
-Three Bad Habits?
Procrastinating on everything. My mom calls me molasses in January because I am always behind or moving slow. I think deep down I am just lazy. (That's 3 isn't it, Procrastination, moving slow and being lazy)
-Five Places I have lived?
Carrollton, Texas
Provo, Utah
Arlington, Texas
Mesa, Arizona
Plano, Texas
Allen, Texas
McKinney, Texas
Henderson, Nevada
Tuscaloosa, Alabama
Upstate New York
-Five Places I have worked?
North Texas Gymnastics
All American Gymnastics
BYU (Just summer camps)
Allen Gymnastics
The Colony gymnastics
(Anyone seeing a trend here?)
-Five things people don't know about me?
*Math was my best subject in school and I loved statistics and epidemiology.
*I have a hard time reading non-fiction books. They are just very slow and dry for me.
*I can remember almost any ones name, especially if I hear and see them speak. I just remember how their mouths move and how it makes their voices sound. My husband thinks I am a freak because I can remember sports people that he has only talked about once or twice.
*I love movies. I love to quote lines from movies and insert them into conversations and see if any one notices or put them in totally inappropriate times just to make people laugh. Don't quote me any movies though, I only remember the ones I like.
*I like to pull weeds. Especially if I am stressed. There is something therapeutic about it. I like being outside and being in the quiet and making things look orderly. My mom probably just fell off her seat. She had to bribe us just to pull weeds when we were growing up and I hated it then. There was always something more fun to do. Now I am sad that I don't have much of a flower bed because I can be finished weeding it in about 10 minutes. Mowing the lawn is another story all together.


Chris said...

I imagine you are building many memories in New York. Have you been to Palmyra?

Jody said...

Yes Chris we have been many times and we are going again this weekend. It is a nice place. We have also been to Cooperstown (Baseball hall of Fame), Scranton, PA, Philladelphia and New York city many times. It is nice to be so close to lots of places.

Jody said...

Yes Chris we have been many times and we are going again this weekend. It is a nice place. We have also been to Cooperstown (Baseball hall of Fame), Scranton, PA, Philladelphia and New York city many times. It is nice to be so close to lots of places.

The Fraser's said...

Are you serious?! 10 years ago already since you have been married - wow...that means 10 years since I was preparing for my mission and punching your ceiling during BYU games (right after you were married)...I'm getting old.