Thursday, May 1, 2008

To my children

I just wanted to take a minute and write a note to you both. I know lately that you think I am the worst mother in the world. I am horrible because I won't let you have cookies for breakfast. I am just totally inadequate because I don't want your brains to turn to mush by watching t.v. all day long. I "never, never, never let you do anything fun," Reese and I never let Ryan get away with anything like climbing up on the counters where the knives are kept. I know, I am just awful. Maybe someday I will learn to lighten up and then you won't hate me so bad.

I have news for you both...GET OVER IT!!! I am sorry that we don't do fun things 24 hours a day but you are still a very spoiled little girl. And Ryan, I know I won't let you climb on just anything but you haven't broken a bone yet and that is more than I can say for your sister.

P.S. Does any one know when the terrible 4's end and the terrible 1's phase out?? If you do could you let me know so I can see some light at the end of my tunnel??PLEASE!?!?!


Kristie said...

I like the new look of your blog!!! Everything you said was so true!! I don't know when the terrible's end though. It just seemed for us that one day it was just over without me really realizing it!!!

natasha said...

i am still laughing at this one...didn't get random facts this week....