Tuesday, November 4, 2008

First things first

It has been such a long time that I need to go back and catch every one up. Here is Reese's first day of Kindergarten. I of course couldn't remember to charge the camera battery the night before so it is a picture of AFTER Reese's first day of kindergarten. Hey, better late than never.

Next-- We had a nobodies birthday party. There was a man who got up in church one day and said that today this day was his son's birthday. His wife had died the year before and he mentioned (about 12 times) that he hadn't planned anything for it. The primary president told all the kids that she was going to go home and make a cake for Daniel and all the kids were invited over to sing him happy birthday. Reese really wanted to go. The boy was turning 18. She doesn't even know who he is but she wanted cake. I told her that instead of going over to someones house we don't even know just for cake, why don't we just go home and make our own. She said that it had to have pink icing. So here is our Nobodies birthday cake, we sung and all got to blow out the candles and then ate cake with pink icing.
If Ryan looks confused here it is probably because he is. "If it is nobodies birthday, how come we sang happy birthday 3 times and we are eating cake?"

And last thing for tonight--We went to an apple orchard. If you live in New York it is something you have to do. The kids had a good time picking and eating apples. I bought the most delicious apple cider and fresh apple butter that was just heavenly on my favorite biscuits. It is also where Reese said, "I can't eat this apple, my mouth hurts!" but more on that tomorrow night.


Eric and Amy said...

How cute! Love the birthday cake for nobody. And the apple orchard sounds so fun. Nothing beats picking fresh fruit and taking it home.