Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Big Wheels and Super Heros

Since it is still the middle of winter here and it is snowing again today :( I thought I would post some pictures of how the kids entertain themselves when we don't go outside. Ryan was riding Reese's bike and of course as soon as Reese saw it she had to help him. I love the helmet. After all, you never know what kind of obstacles and trouble you might run into while riding your bike in the basement.

I thought it was funny that I found this since I recently posted about it. Isn't it funny that my weakness is cold. I really need to get out of here. I think Golden would agree about my mode of transportation:) What is your Super Hero Name and powers?

Your Superhero Profile

Your Superhero Name is The Detective Storm

Your Superpower is Mathematics

Your Weakness is Cold Weather

Your Weapon is Your Kinetic Lasso

Your Mode of Transportation is Broom


Janie said...

Laughing my butt off - your weakness is cold weather and you are in upstate NY - hysterical!!!!

Kristin said...

Hi Jody! Your blog is cute! It is fun to see what's going on in your life.