Thursday, April 10, 2008


Reese is talking about transportation all this week and to honor this unit of study here goes:

The Kansas City Railroad used to stop their trains to allow the passengers to shoot at passing buffalo.

Traveling by air is the safest means of transportation. More people are killed
by donkeys annually than killed in plane crashes.

It would take more than 150 years to drive a car to the sun.

More than 10 percent of all the salt produced annually in the world is used to
de-ice American roads.

I think a large percentage of that is used in upstate New York.

Have a good day!!


natasha said...

where do you get these things???

Janie said...

LOVE the useless trivia - keep it coming!!!!!!

Jen said...

That is 20 seconds of my time i won't get back after reading those trivial thoughs. I am glad. I was just thinking "Wow, I have an extra 20 seconds what should I do?" We miss hanging out with "YA'LL". Give reese a hug from malia and maddy.- Todd

okay, jen here... i didn't have 20 extra seconds it seems lately... but, i am glad more people die from donkeys than planes. i hate flying... i be extra sure i don't travel by donkey. 'donkey' hee hee! love ya ~ jen

The Fraser's said...

and to eat the finish off the bottom of my car...

Jody said...

Mine too. I have washed my car more this winter than I ever have in my whole life combined.